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Conferences, projects and special events held in cooperation with friends in Austria

Extensive B.I.O. e-learning programs in biopolicy and sustainable development


Participation, as Fellow, in the Vienna Economic Forum, November 21, 2016 Read more>>


Participation as Fellow of the Vienna Economic Forum in the 12th VEF on Investments as a Motor for Competitiveness and Growth. Vienna, Austria, November 23, 2015


B.I.O. President at the closing session of Vienna Economic Forum, Vienna, Austria Read more>>


B.I.O.  President receives Vienna Economic Forum honorary achievement award, Vienna, Austria


Guest keynote speaker at the 9th Vienna Economic Forum on “Quo vadis, Europe? Regional Cooperation for European Integration,” Vienna, Austria


Speaker at a special event organized by the Vienna Economic Forum in Vienna, Austria


B.I.O. signs a memorandum of cooperation with the Vienna Economic Forum, a forum that aims to promote economic cooperation between countries from the Adriatic to the Black Sea Memorandum of Cooperation

Main speaker at the 7th Vienna Economic Forum conference on “Stable Economy – Challenge and Responsibility” in Vienna, Austria ProgramPaperPhoto


Speaker at the “6th Vienna Economic Forum” with the presence of leading figures from the financial and political world, Vienna Austria. Program


Biopolitics International Organisation and Hellenic Chapter of the Club of Rome symposium on The Greek Economy after the Global Crisis – In Search of a New Paradigm for Development” , Athens Club, Athens. Press Release


Cooperation in the B.I.O. e-learning program “Biopolicy – Education to Enrich Sustainability.


Hans Sabaditsch, Ambassador of Austria, participates in the B.I.O. International Conference on “Bio-Diplomacy: The Future of International Relations” and contributes to the volume of proceedings.


Professor Teunis Hendrik Botterweg, Team Leader, and Dr. Jozef Turcan, Technical Assistant, of the Danube Programme Coordination Unit, participate in the Seventh B.I.O. International Conference on “Danube River Bonds: Bio-Environment – Bio-Culture” held in Bratislava and contribute to the volume of proceedings.


Professor Anton Moser, Institute for Biotechnology, serves as Founding Member of the International University for the Bio-Environment.


Professor Anton Moser of the Institute for Biotechnology, Technical University of Graz, participates in the Fourth B.I.O. International Conference on the “International University for the Bio­Environment” and contributes to the volume of proceedings.


Peter H. Feeg, Director of WFUNA in Vienna, participates in the First B.I.O. International Conference on “Biopolitics and International Cooperation” held in Athens and contributes to the volume of proceedings.

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