Biotourism and Development – Arta & Preveza




B.I.O. implements EU Leader Program promoting comparative advantages in Southern Epirus.

The historical evolution of Southern Epirus is a source of motivation for the present and the future.The profound beauty of its luminous landscapes combined with a rich cultural heritage offer a vibrant stage for all adventure seekers and history lovers to discover treasures, stories, myths and legends along their way. Biotourism [bios=life, & tourism] – tourism that respects bios and the environment aims to preserve  the richness and beauty of life ensuring substantial financial and social profit.The selected regions of Arta and Preveza in Greece have unique and unknown comparative advantages that Biotourism aims to promote and protect.

Online guide of Arta & Peveza E-book

Online Map of Arta & Peveza Part A, Part B


Project Launch, Press Release (GR)

Posters 1234

Press Conference, October 30, 2014 Announcement (GR) Press Release (GR)

Biotourism and Development: Innovation in Arta and Preveza Greek   English

Cultural Monuments and Local Identity Greek   English

Mythos, History and Folklore Greek   English

Nature Trails and Paths Greek   English

Adventure Tourism Greek   English

Dissemination conference December 21 Hilton Athens   Event Program

Social media bubble conceptJoin the Project’s facebook page, get to know the beauties of Southern Epirus and share your experiences!

For Media Coverage click here 







The Project has been co-funded by the local Leader Programme – Southern Epirus