Proceedings of the Fifth B.I.O. Inernational Conference
held in Instanbul, May 1992
Edited by Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis and Rusen Keles
Published by the Biopolitics Inernational Organisation B.I.O. 1993
Table of Contents
Bios in the Next Millennium – Reversing the Crisis of Values
Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis
The Bio-Environment and International Cooperation
The Responsibility of Universities
Necdet Serin
A Responsibility for the Bio-Environment
Rusen Keles
Biopolitics – The Bio-Environment and
International Cooperation
Nurettin Sozen
Planning for the Bio-Environment
Hayri Kozakcioglu
The Bio-Environment – Central and Local Policy
Ismet Sezgin
Bio-Environment and Development
Abdülkadir Ates
Biopolitics and Governmental Policy
Dogancan Akyurek
The Art of Bio-Diplomacy
Kai Falkman
The Importance of Interdependence
Valerij Gryshin
The Unfinished Symphony
Andreas Politakis
The Bio-Assessment of Technology
Needed Educational Revision on the Impact of Technology
Kumaran Fernando
Technological Imperatives – Challenges and Solutions
Nicholas Ashford
Prevention of Environmental Problems
Adnan Aydin
The Anthropo-Ecological Approach as a Background to Technology
Jaroslav Stoklasa
Biopolitics in the Light of Bio-Ethics
Yaman Ors
Bio-Ethics and the Role of Women Organizations
Alexandra Momdjan
Bioethics, Survival and Global Drama
Dusan Kanazir
The Role of Bio-Education
Bio-Environmental Problems and Chemical Engineering in Russia
Michael Manakov, Pavel Sarkisov
Adult Education for the Bio-Environment
Cevat Geray
The Role of Education and Technology for an Efficient Environmental Policy
Nur Sozen
The Role of Universities in Environmental Protection
Ahmet Samsunlu, Veysel Eroglu
The Environmental Education in Turkey: Some Views and Proposals of Biopolitics
Mehmet Tuncer, Demet Erol
The Role of the I.U.B.E. in Natural Disasters
Liduvina Senora
Jiro Kondo
The Role of the I.U.B.E: African Dimension
Tina Uwechue
Exchange Programs in Bio-Education – A Perspective for Youth
Christos Efthimiopoulos
Toward a Houston Protocol – CO2 Emission Reductions Berween North and South
Udo Simonis
Biopolicy in Romania: History and Present State
Pia Elena Mihnea
Ecotourism and Education
Mehmet Arif Demirer
Man, Environment, Technology and Universities
Aykut Kence, Meral Kence
Legal System of Fauna and Flora Protection in France
Michel Despax
Methods of Protection
William Coulet
Legal Considerations and the Protection of the Bio-Environment
Angelos Tsichrintzis
The Environmental Imperative in Decision Making
Albert ten Houten
Contradictions in the Transition from a Planned to a Market Economy in Hungary
Gyula Bora
Business and the Bio-Environment
W. Ludo van Oyen
Poverty, Environment and Development
Deonanan Oodit, Udo Simonis
Resolutions of the Fifth B.I.O. International Conference
The Biopolitics International Organisation
Progress of B.I.O.
B.I.O. Chronicle
Bio-Syllabus – A Volume for a Model Global Bio-Education
Diplomatic Symposia – Bios Days
Trustees – Directors – Representatives
Supporters of B.I.O.’s Environmental Olympics Campaign
BIOPOLITICS – THE BIO-ENVIRONMENT VOLUME IV – THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOR THE BIO-ENVIRONMENT Bios in the Next Millennium The Bio-Assessment of Technology in Relation to the Preservation of the Bio-Environment
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Published by the: (c) Biopolitics International Organisation
Tim. Vassou 10, 115 21 Athens, Greece, Tel: 210- 6432419 Fax: 210 – 6428633
e-mail: bios@otenet.gru