Hellenic-Soviet Symposium – The Bio-Environment and International Cooperation


Hellenic-Soviet Symposium

The Bio-Environment and International Cooperation

organised by the Biopolitics International Organisation

Athens, December 1991

For more information see Diplomacy, BIOS IN THE NEXT MILLENNIUM

Opening Address
H.E. Ambassador Panayiotis Economou General Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Greeting of Symposium Participants
Valerij Grishin, Head of the Information Department of the President of Russia

Welcoming Address
Nikos Anagnostopoulos, Secretary General of Adult Education
Victor A. Boiko, ChargŽ d’ Affaires of the Russian Embassy
Dr. John Bailey, President, American College of Greece
Dr. Nikos Katsaros, Senior Research Scientist, National Centre of Physical Research Demokritos

The Bio-Environment and International Co-operation
Dr. Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, President, Founder of the B.I.O.

The Social and Cultural Impact of the Environment on Women
Dr. Alexandra Momdjan, Vice-President of the Academy of Creative Endeavours, President of the International Women Centre

The Impact of the Environment on the Health of Future Generations
Professor Sergei I. Kolesnikov, President of the East Siberian Section of the Medical Academy of USSR

Women’s Health and the Environment
Professor Irina Manuilova, Cor. Member of the Medical Academy of Russia, Director of the IWC Family Planning Clinic

Personality Disorders Due to Environmental Degradation
Professor Ludmila P. Bueva, Member of the Academy of Creative Endeavour, Member of the Board of the I.W.C.

New Thinking and the Changing Role of Women in Public Organisations
Tatjana D. Matveeva, Candidate of Historical Sciences Secretary of the I.W.C.

Social Planning and Women’s Problems
Natalia S. Grigorjeva, Director, I.W.C. Science – Research Institute

Youth and the Bio-Environment Needed Reforms in Education
Discussion Coordinator: Dr. Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, President and Founder, Biopolitics International Organisation
Participants: Eleni Daifa-Frantzeskaki, President, Athenian Women’s Organisation Lala Nicoli, Head of Department of the Greek Soroptimist Society Efi Petrea, President of the Greek Soroptimist Society Alexander Oleskin, Research Scientist, Department of Biology, Moscow State University Christos Efthimiopoulos, Student, Member of the B.I.O. Tony Bosnackoudis, Journalist and Author, Junior’s Chamber Tasos Demetropoulos, Head of Department, Junior’s Chamber Manuella Kantzia, Student, Athens College Maria Maroulidou, Student, Athens College