
turkey flag

Conferences, projects and special events held in cooperation with friends in Turkey

Extensive B.I.O. e-learning programs in biopolicy and sustainable development


Main speaker at the 19th Eurasian Economic Summit, hosted by the Marmara Group Foundation, Istanbul


B.I.O. President, Prof. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis, delivered a speech at the 18th Eurasian Economic Summit on April 7, 2015 in Istanbul, outlining the importance of Biopolicy as the means for new leadership focusing on the protection of the gift of life on our planet.

Click here for related article appearing in Turkey’s international newspaper, Hurriyet Daily News.
Direct link to Hurriyet Daily News

Biopolicy the needed new vision for a road to peace, The Marmara Foundation – A Quest for Peace 2015-2016 Read more >>

Biopolis – biopolicy for greener and more liveable cities. Paper published in the proceedings from the conference on “The Cities – Security and Policy,” sponsored by the World Society of Ekistics, Middle East Technical University and Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 2013 Read more >>


Presentation at the 17th Eurasian Economic Summit sponsored by the Marmara Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey. Programme, Participants

Press Coverage Hürriyet Daily News


Biopolicy – Needed New Value System. Presentation at the 16th Eurasian Economic Summit sponsored by the Marmara Foundation, Istanbul Program

Keynote speech and participation as Member of the Board, World Society of Ekistics Conference, Ankara, Turkey


Speech at the 15th Eurasian Economic Summit in Istanbul and Izmir, Turkey, attended by heads-of-state and business leaders from 30 countries. Programme,Speech, Photos

“Green Governance – Building a Society of Hope – The Case of Morocco,” luncheon jointly sponsored by the Biopolitics International Organisation and the Hellenic Chapter of the Club of Rome, held under the auspices of the Embassy of Morocco in Athens and featuring Professor Assia Bensalah Alaoui, Morocco’s Ambassador-at-Large, as keynote speaker, Athens Club, 18 June 2012. Press Release (English | GreekPhoto Gallery


Keynote speaker at the 14th Eurasian Economic Summit in Istanbul with the participation of heads of state, leaders and business executives.  President’s Speech Photo

Speaker at the Vienna Economic Forum, Istanbul, Turkey

Participation at a conference organized by the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) on the Turkish national elections


B.I.O. President speaks at the 13th Eurasian Economic Summit organised by the Marmara Foundation with the participation of numerous heads of states, religious leaders and businessmen, Istanbul, Turkey.  ProgrammeAbstract

B.I.O. President speaks at the opening session of the “New Perspectives of Eco-Technology and Eco- Economy” conference, organised by the Yildiz Technical University Programme, Abstract ProgrammeAbstract

B.I.O. President receives Hononary Plaque by the Rector of Yildiz Technical University. Photo

Marmara Foundation support for Nobel nomination of the B.I.O. President Professor Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis – Media response:

Biopolitics is the key to a better world. Daily News – Hurriyet
Biopolitics is the key to a better world. Marmara Foundation
Turklerden Nobel’e Yunanli aday. Aksam Gazetesi
Atina’ya Nobel jesti. Star

15th Annual Youth Bios Olympiad in St. Petersburg, Russia. ProgrammePress Release (EN)Press Release (GR)


Cooperation with Turkey in a series of e-learning modules on biopolicy and sustainable development.

B.I.O.symposium on “Economic and Environmental Crises, An Opportunity to Build a Green Society” with the participation of Amb. Oguz Celikkol and B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles.The event was organised in the framework of the joint educational programme themed Education for the Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development and Eradication of Poverty sponsored by Hellenic Aid and held at the Office of the European Parliament in Greece, Athens Press ReleaseProgramme, Photos

B.I.O. President delivered keynote address on “Biopolicy – Building a Green Society, Economic and Environmental Challenges” at the 12th Eurasian Economic Summit organised by the Marmara Foundation with the participation of numerous heads of states, religious leaders and businessmen, Istanbul, Turkey

B.I.O. meeting held in Ankara in the context of the project on Education for the Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development and Eradication of Poverty with the participation of the B.I.O. President and the project’s partners in Ankara: B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Ankara University, Professor Berna Alpagut, Ankara University and Muzaffer Eryilmaz, Mayor of Cankaya

B.I.O. President spoke at the Balkan Political Club meeting in Istanbul, Turkey with the participation of former heads of state and businessmen from Balkan countries. President’s Speech

B.I.O. President opened the World Society for Ekistics conference on “Biopolis and Climate Change Mitigation – The Building of Green Cities”, Antalya, Turkey. President’s Abstract, Programme

B.I.O. President was an invited speaker at the Ecocity World Summit 2009, in Istanbul, Turkey President’s AbstractSpeakers

Opening speaker at the World Society for Ekistics conference on “Biopolis and Climate Change Mitigation – The Building of Green Cities”, Antalya, Turkey. President’s Abstract, Programme

Publications: Environmental Education for Sustainable Development in Turkey – Cooperation between Greece and Turkey in the development and dissemination of educational material for agriculture and rural development. Book

CD: Environmental Education for Sustainable Development in Turkey – Cooperation between Greece and Turkey in the development and dissemination of educational material for agriculture and rural development. CD- rom


Participation and greeting by B.I.O. President at a distinguished event in Ankara for the presentation of a 6-volume Festschrift in honour of B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, illustrious scholar and eminent B.I.O. Trustee

Contribution by Professor Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis En,Contribution by Professor Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis TrB.I.O. enters in cooperation with Turkey for the implementation of a joint educational programme themed Education for the Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development and Reduction of Poverty, partially funded by Hellenic Aid2006 Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, “Biopolitics – the Bio-Environment: The New Ethics for Survival.” Concluding chapter in a collection of works in honour of Professor Yaman Ors, published by the Turkish Society of Bioethics.


Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, “Biopolitics – the Bio-Environment: The New Ethics for Survival.” Concluding chapter in a collection of works in honour of Professor Yaman Ors, published by the Turkish Society of Bioethics.


B.I.O. International Symposium on “Hellenic-Turkish Cooperation in Biopolicy” held in Athens under the auspices of the Turkish Ambassador to Greece, Mr. Tahsin Burcuoglu. Participants included: B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles of Ankara University, Dr. Yusuf Erbay, Governor of Yalova, Dr. Kadir Kocdemir, Governor of Elazig, Professor Yilmaz Buyukersen, Mayor of the Municipality of Eskisehir, Dr. Meltem Yilmaz, Architecture & Environmental Design, Hacettepe University, Professor Hunay Evliya, Dean of Environmental Research, Cukurova University, Professor Gulsun Saglamer, f. Rector, Istanbul Technical University, Professor Berna Alpagut, Ankara University, and Professor Cemal Yukselen, Vice Rector, Mustafa Kemal University. Highlights enHighlights grProgramme enProgramme gr

Cooperation in the B.I.O. e-learning programme “Biopolicy – Education to Enrich Sustainability.

B.I.O. International Symposium on “Hellenic-Turkish Cooperation in Biopolicy” held in Ankara. Participants included: B.I.O. Trustee Prof. Rusen Keles, Ankara University; Ambassador Yigit Alpogan, General Secretary, National Security Council (MGK); Dr.Yusuf Erbay, Governer of Yalova; Kadir Kocdemir,Governer of Elazig; Professor Yilmaz Buyukersen, Mayor of Municipality of Eskisehir; Professor Gulsun Saglamer, Istanbul Technical University; Professor Umit Erdem, Director of Environmental Studies of Ege University; Professor Hunay Evliya, Dean of Enviromental Research,Cukurova University; Professor Cemal Yukselen, Vice-Rector, Mustafa Kemal University; Dr.Ediz Hun, Istanbu; Osman Duran, MGK; Arda Gokmen, MGK; Professor Muzaffer Eryilmaz, Mayor of Cankaya Municipality; Professor Can Hamamci, Director of Social Sciences Institute of Ankara University; Dr. Nevin Akpinar, Director of theEnviromental Research Centre of Ankara University; Dr.Nurettin Simsek, Director of the Distance-Learning Centre of Ankara University; Professor Coskun Ozgunel,Classical Archaeology Department, Ankara University; Professor Ozer Ergenc, History Department, Ankara University; Professor Rezzan Kiziltan, Ankara University; Professor Koray Haktanir, Agriculture Faculty of Ankara University; Professor Dr.Selahiddin Ogulmus, Education Faculty, Ankara University; Professor Cevat Geray, Ankara University; Professor Necdet Serin, Ankara University; Dr. Nesrin Algan, Political Sciences Faculty Ankara University; Dr.Mehmet Tuncer, Gazi University; Dr.Nesrin Cobanoglu, Gazi University; Dr. Erol Demir, Ankara University; Dr. Hakan Yigitbasioglu, Ankara University; Dr. Ergin Duygu, Ankara University; Dr. Halil Akdeniz, Ankara; Dr.Aykut Coban, Political Sciences Faculty of Ankara University; Dr. Bulent Duru, Political Sciences Faculty of Ankara University; Banu Aygun, Research Assistant, Social Ecology Department; Professor Berna Alpagut, Ankara University; Professor Aysegul Kaplan Mengi, Ankara University; and Dr. Meltem Yilmaz, Hacettepe University:

BioNews no. 41 , January 2005, p. 8-10, BioNews no. 42, April- June 2005, p. 12-14, Bionews no. 43, July – September 2005, p. 3


“Hellenic-Turkish Cooperation in Biopolitics – On the Road to European union Ideals” B.I.O. International Symposium held under the auspices of H.E. Yigit Alpogan, Ambassador of Turkey to Greece. The Symposium was held in Athens with the participation of the Governors of Edirne and Sivas, the Mayor of Antakya, and other civic leaders, business professionals and academics from Turkey and Greece. Participants included: H.E. Yigit Alpogan, Ambassador of Turkey, B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles from Ankara University, Professor Zafer Erturk, Rector, Eastern Mediterranean University, Professor Ersi Abatzi Kalfoglu, Istanbul University, Professor Berna Alpagut, Facultry of Letters, Ankara University, Professor Ilhami Unver, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, Professor Umit Erdem, Director for Environmental Studies, Aegean University, Izmir, the Honourable Fahri Yucel, Governor of Edirne, the Honourable Hasan Canpolat, Governor of Sivas and the Honourable Iris Senturk, Mayor of Antakya. ProgrammePress Release en, Press Release gr

B.I.O. delegates two students to participate in the workshop “The Family Concept in Modern City Life,” part of the Student Exchange programme hosted by Fatih University, Istanbul

Media: Eurohorizon p.1

BioNews: BioNews no. 38, April 2004, p. 12- 15 , BioNews no. 39, July 2004, p. 12- 15


Paper authored by B.I.O. President is published in the proceedings from the OECD workshop on “Innovative soil plant systems for sustainable agricultural systems” held in Izmir.

Yigit Alpogan, Ambassador of Turkey to Greece, participates as member of the Honorary Committee for the Bios Prize awarded to Dr. Ruud Lubbers, High Commissioner of the UNHCR. BioNews no. 34, April 2003, p 8-11

Publication: AGRICULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT – HOW TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Cooperation Between Greece and Turkey in the development and dissemination of educational material for agriculture and rural development A. Vlavianos-Arvanitis (English) 2003

CD: AGRICULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT – HOW TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Cooperation Between Greece and Turkey in the development and dissemination of educational material for agriculture and rural development A. Vlavianos-Arvanitis (English) 2003


B.I.O. President delivers keynote speech at the OECD workshop on “Innovative soil plant systems for sustainable agricultural systems,” Izmir , Programme


B.I.O. President meets with the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly in Paris, under the chairmanship of the Hon. Cevdet Akcali. Mr. Akcali subsequently participated in a B.I.O. international conference themed “Bio-Environment and Quality of Life” held on the island of Rhodes, Greece.

Presentation and participation by The Honorable Cevdet Akcali, f. Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in the B.I.O. conference on “Biopolitics: A Vision for the Millenium, Health, Environment and Culture.”

Participation by Professor Hunay Evliya, Director of Environmental Studies, Cukurova University, in the B.I.O. dissemination meeting for the “Bios and Environmental Transnational Network” of the European Union’s Leonardo Da Vinci Community Vocational Training Action Programme.

Publications: “Bio-policy – a prerequisite for sustainable agriculture.” Proceedings from the ECD workshop on Innovative soil plant systems for sustainable agricultural systems, Izmir

BioNews: BioNews no. 26, April 2001, p. 12-13, BioNews no. 28, Oct. 2001, p. 13-15, BioNews no. 29 , Jan. 2002, p. 13-15


At the invitation of Professor Erdal Ozhan, Head of the Medcoast Programme, the B.I.O. President participates as keynote speaker, along with the Governor of Antalya, the Mayor of Antalya, in the Opening Session of the Medcoast Conference, held in AntalyaProgramme, Photos

B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Director of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, participates in the Bios Prize award ceremony in honour of Mstislav Rostropovich, Kitty Kyriacopoulos, Anton Rupert, and Jakob von Uexkull, held at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Bios Prize Award Ceremony at the Hermitage, Photos

BioNews: BioNews no.20, October 1999, p.10-11 , BioNews no. 22 , April 2000, p. 3


B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Director of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University, and Dr. Geoff. S. Bowe, Instructor at the Faculty of Humanities and Letters, Bilkent University, Ankara, participate in the Eighth B.I.O. International Conference on Biopolitics – the Bio-Environment – the Budapest Sessions and contribute to the volume of proceedings.



B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Director, Centre for Environmental Studies, Ankara University, participates in the Seventh B.I.O. International Conference on “Danube River Bonds: Bio-Environment – Bio-Culture” and contributes to the volume of proceedings.


B.I.O. President participates as main speaker in the International Conference organised by the Bogazici University Center for International Studies and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Permanent International Secretariat, held in Istanbul

Third B.I.O. International Conference. “Biopolitics – Curriculum Reforms,” Athens, BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 6 B.I.O. – Turkey cooperation

At the invitation of Rector Gulsun Saglamer, the B.I.O. President delivers lectures at Istanbul Technical University and Marmara University. Programme

Cousteau , Professor Meral Kence, Department of Biology, Middle East Technical University
BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p.23,, BioNews no. 7b, July 1996, p. 23


B.I.O. conference themed “Biopolitics Education in the Year 2000,” convened at Cukurova University in Adana, on 17-20 May 1995. Organisers and participants included: Professor Hunay Evliya, Director, Centre for Environmental Research, Cukurova University; B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles, Director of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University; Professor Yusuf Unlu, Deputy Rector, Cukurova University; Mr. Aytac Durak, Mayor or Adana; Mr. Naci Parmaksiz, Governor of Adana; Mr. Taskin Tuna, Ministry of Environment; Professor Halet Cambel, Archaeologist, Karatepe-Aslantaw Museum; Professor Nur Sozen, Head, Department of Landscape Architecture, Ankara University; Ms Nilgun Gurer, Faculty of Political Sciences; Professor Cevat Geray and Mr. Mehmet Tuncer Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, University of Ankara; Professor Yaman Ors, Unit of Medical Ethics, Medical School of Ankara; Dr. Fred Ernst, Department of Soil Science, Cukurova University; Professor Berna Alpagut, Director, Institute for Social Sciences, Ankara University; Professor Meral Kence, Middle East Technical University; Professor Erdogan Gultekin, Cukurova University; Orhan Karakullukcu, Industrialist, Former Mayor of Trabzon; and Professor Mahir Fusunoglu, Cukurova University. Click for details, Photos

BioNews: BioNews no.4 Oct.1995 p.4, BioNews no. 6, April 1996 p. 2. , BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p.21,, BioNews no. 7b, July 1996, p. 21

B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Director of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University, participates in the International B.I.O. Conference on “Environmentally-Compatible Business Strategy” and contributes to the volume of proceedings


Professor Hunay Evliya, Director, Centre for Environmental Research, Cukurova University; B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles, Director of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University; Dr. Meral Kence, Department of Biology, Middle East Technical University; Professor Yaman Ors, Unit of Medical Ethics, Medical Faculty, Ankara University; Professor Ali Ozbilen, Vice Dean, Department of Landscape Architecture, KTU Faculty of Forestry; Professor Nur Sozen, Department of Landscape Architecture, Ankara University; and Professor Ayse Gulgun Tuna, Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, participate in the International Sakharov Festival and contribute to the volume of proceedings. International Sakharov Festival on Biopolitics – The Bio-Environment – Bio-Culture in the next Millennium

BioNews no. 1 , Oct. 1994 p. 5-7 BioNews no. 2, Nov. 1994 p. 6-7 BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 14-16 Photos Photos Sakharov foundation


B.I.O. President participates in the Theological, Education & Environment Conference, Halki, Turkey

BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996, BioNews no. 7a, July 1996


B.I.O. President Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis and B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles are honoured with the first communication Abdi Ipekci Peace and Friendship Prize, for their contribution to international understanding and cooperation in the bio¬-environment. An official ceremony was held in Istanbul, in the presence of members of the Turkish government and leading personalities from Greece and Turkey.Photos

BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 11 , BioNews no. 7a, July 1996, p 11


The Fifth B.I.O. International Conference,is held in Istanbul in and attended by eminent leaders and academics from many countries. Turkish participants included: Dogancan Akyurek, Minister of Environment; Abdulkadir Ates, Minister of Tourism; Professor Adnan Aydin, Director of Environmental Research Center, Marmara University; Mehmet Arif Demirer, Industrialist; Professor Veysel Erogolu, Technical University of Istanbul; Demet Erol, Architect and Urban Planner, Gazi University; His Excellency Ambassador Kai Falkman, Consul General of Sweden in Istanbul; Professor Cevat Geray, Director, Ernst Reuter Center for Urban Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University; B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles, Director, Center for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University; Professor Aykut Kence, Department of Biology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara; Professor Meral Kence, Middle East Technical University, Ankara; Hayri Kozakciogolu, Governor of Istanbul; Professor Yaman Ors, Medical School, Ankara University; Professor Ahmet Samsunlu, Technical University of Istanbul; Professor Necdet Serin, President, Ankara University; Ismet Sezgin, Minister of Interior; Professor Nur Sozen, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University; Professor Nurettin Sozen, Mayor of Istanbul; and Mehmet Tuncer, Architect and Urban Planner, Gazi University .BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p.10 Photos Programme

BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996,p. 10 , BioNews no. 7a, July 1996, p 10


Gunduz Aktan, Ambassador of Turkey to Greece; Professor Zafer Erturk, Dean, Technical University of Karadeniz; Professor Hunay Evliya, Cukorova University; Orhan Karakullukcu, Mechanical Engineer and Industrialist, Former Mayor of Trabzon; His Eminence the Metropolitan of Philadelphia Dr. Meliton Karas, Ecumenical Patriarchate; B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Faculty of Political Sciences, Director, Center for Environmental Studies, Ankara University; Professor Aykut Kence, Chairman, Department of Biology, Middle East Technical University; Professor Yaman Ors, M.D., Medical Faculty, Ankara University; Professor Ahmet Samsunlu, Istanbul Technical University; and Professor Necdet Serin, President, University of Ankara, participate in the Fourth B.I.O. International Conference on the International University for the Bio¬-Environment and contribute to the volume of proceedings. BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 8 Programme, Photos

BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p.8 , BioNews no. 7a, July 1996, p. 8


B.I.O. hosts Hellenic-Turkish Symposium on “The Bio¬Environment and International Co-operation” held in Athens under the auspices of Ambassador Guntaz Aktan and the Mayor of Athens. Participants included: H.E. the Ambassador of Turkey Mr Gunduz Aktan; The Honourable Former Mayor of Trabzon, Mr. Orhan Karakullukcu; Professor Ahmet Samsunlu, Technical University of Instanbul; Professor Zafer Erturk, Dean, Karadeniz Technical University; Professor Necdet Serin, Rector, University of Ankara; and B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Director, Center of Urban Studies, University of Ankara.Third Bios Day celebration, BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 21

The University of Ankara adds biopolitics to the curriculum of the Graduate School of Political Sciences.

A. Vlavianos-Arvanitis, Editor. A Hellenic-Turkish Symposium, Athens City Hall, May 1990 (English, 79 pp.) 199

BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p.6-7, BioNews no. 7a, July 1996, p. 6-7


B.I.O. Symposium on “Biopolitics – the Bio-Environment” is organised in Trabzon under the auspices of the Mayor of Trabzon, Orhan Karakullukcu.
Photos Programme

The B.I.O. President is a guest lecturer at the University of Trabzon and Istanbul Technical University.

Presentation and participation by B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles, Director, Center of Urban Studies, University of Ankara and the Very Reverend Meliton Karas, secretary of the Holy Synod Ecumenical Patriarchate, in the Third B.I.O. International Conference on “Proposals for a Biocentric Curriculum” held in Athens.

BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 7 , BioNews no. 7a, July 1996, p. 7


Participation by B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Director of the Centre for Urban Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, and President of the UNA Turkey; and Professor Dr. Ahmet Samsunlu of the Istanbul Technical University, in the Second B.I.O. International Conference on “Bios in the Next Millennium,” including contributions to the volume of proceedings.Photos, Programme

BioNews: BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 5 , BioNews no. 7a, July 1996, p. 5


B.I.O. Trustee, Professor Rusen Keles, Director of the Centre for Urban Studies, Political Sciences, Ankara University, and President of UNA Turkey, participates in the First B.I.O. International Conference on “Biopolitics and International Cooperation” and contributes to the volume of proceedings. Proceedings: BIOPOLITICS – THE BIO-ENVIRONMENT – VOLUME I

BioNews: BioNews Vol 1, No. 1, November 1987 , BioNews no. 6, April 1996, p. 4 , BioNews no. 7a, July 1996, p. 4


B.I.O. President attends the UNA meeting in Berlin with B.I.O. Trustee Professor Rusen Keles, an event which launched B.I.O.’s cooperation with Turkey.

“Biopolitics – A Pathway for International, Cultural, Technological and Envronmental Co-operation, UNA Meeting”