RomABC moves forward Partners’ meeting in Athens, May 31 – June 3, 2021

“RomABC moves forward” Partners’ meeting in Athens, Greece

May 31 to June 3, 2021

Click here for Press Release 

The Biopolitics International Organisation (B.I.O.) successfully co-organized and participated in the partners’ meeting of the Erasmus+ “RomABC moves forward” project. The meeting was held in Athens, Greece, from May 31 to June 3, 2021, with partners from Germany (Kontaktefür Europa e.V. &JugendStile.V.), Greece (Biopolitics International Organisation and Association of Greek Roma Mediators and Associates), Serbia (BrankoPesic – Primary school and school for adult education), Romania (Asociatia pentru Educatiesi Dezvoltare Durabila), North Macedonia (Association for Roma Community Development), Hungary (HEEDA – Humán Erőforrásért Egyesület Dél-Alföldi Régió) and Slovakia (EDU o.z.).

The main goal of the project is to develop and promote innovative instruments for combating functional illiteracy in Roma and other vulnerable communities in Europe. The partners discussed and worked on the adaptations of the Curriculum for Roma illiterate adult education (IO1) and the Handbook for trainers (IO2). Furthermore, B.I.O. introduced the Blended learning course for Roma (IO3) and the Webinar for adult educators and Roma mediators (IO4).

We would like to thank the Municipality of Chalandri for their hospitality and the Association of Greek Roma Mediators and Associates for their fruitful cooperation.

The meeting convened at the Conference Room of the Social Municipal Center of the Municipality of Chalandri, at 7 A. Papagou & Aristofanous str., Chalandri, and complied with all safety and health standards for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

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