Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

fyrom flag

Conferences, projects and special events held in cooperation with friends in FYROM

Extensive B.I.O. e-learning programmes in biopolicy and sustainable development


“Green Governance – Building a Society of Hope – The Case of Morocco,” luncheon jointly sponsored by the Biopolitics International Organisation and the Hellenic Chapter of the Club of Rome, held under the auspices of the Embassy of Morocco in Athens and featuring Professor Assia Bensalah Alaoui, Morocco’s Ambassador-at-Large, as keynote speaker, Athens Club, 18 June 2012. Press Release (English | GreekPhoto Gallery


Main lecturer at the School of Young Leaders; an activity organized by the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia in Ohrid, F.Y.R.O.M.


Speaker at the Balkan Political Club meeting with the presence of former heads of states and businessmen from Balkan countries, Ohrid, F.Y.R.O.M.
President’s SpeechMedia Coverage – Photos

Symposium on “Economic and Environmental Crises, An Opportunity to Build a Green Society” , Office of the European Parliament in Greece, Athens. Press ReleaseProgrammePhotos


Biopolitics International Organisation and Hellenic Chapter of the Club of Rome symposium on The Greek Economy after the Global Crisis – In Search of a New Paradigm for Development” , Athens Club, Athens. Press Release


“To speak for the world – a selection of speeches and statements by Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General of the United Nations 1953-1961” book presentation in commemoration of Dag Hammarskjold’s centenary, attended by Ambassadors, official representatives and academics from 26 countries, Athens. Press releaseProgramme


B.I.O. presentation in Athens during meetings with FYROM representatives and discussions of plans for co-operation on bio–environmental education.

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