Pro Dialogue Workshop, Athens, 25 June 2021

Pro Dialogue Workshop and Training Event

Athens,  June 25, 2021

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On June 25, 2021, the Biopolitics International Organisation (B.I.O.) held a workshop and training event in the framework of the “Pro Dialogue – Combating hate speech and fake news through the intercultural dialogue of citizens” Erasmus+ project. The event was part of the project’s pilot phase, aiming to further develop innovative instruments for combating hate speech and fake news through the intercultural dialogue of citizens.

B.I.O.’s training staff conducted two workshop sessions at the IASIS Training Center (18 Dimitrakopoulou St., Ano Patissia) in Athens, with the goal to: i) deliver solid knowledge regarding the profile, tasks, obligations and role of the “Dialogator “(dialogue mediator); ii) inform participants about current trends concerning hate speech and fake news in Europe; iii) present the intellectual outputs of the project and their theoretical and practical use for prospective Dialogators; and, iv) propose solutions through education and social dialogue within communities.

Twenty-two participants successfully completed the workshop, which complied with all safety and health standards for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19. The Biopolitics International Organisation (B.I.O.) is now looking forward to the next steps of the project.