Biopolicy: the bioethics of climate change mitigation – new publication


Biopolicy – the bioethics of climate change mitigation
New book issued by Prof. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis

Have international organizations become too bureaucratic? Can they evolve into inspirational institutions and help to reverse the crisis in leadership? Why should we formulate bioethical commitments in medicine and not in banking, energy, transport, communications? How can we involve every individual and every profession in climate change mitigation and how can we turn this pressing responsibility into a priority?

These are some of the questions Prof. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis, President and Founder of the Biopolitics International Organisation (B.I.O.), raises in her new book “Biopolicy – the bioethics of climate change mitigation.” The book, released in April 2015, reviews some of the key elements of the B.I.O. philosophy as promoted by the concept of biopolicy – policy with bios = life, and the environment at the heart of decision-making. It is arranged in three major sections a) presenting a theoretical background linking sustainability to the ethics of bios, b) outlining specific proposals for climate-resilient development, and c) providing incentives for meeting the meta-capitalism challenge by channeling the world’s wealth to support clean energy, blue growth, sustainable agriculture, green salaries, health and education.

Inspiring leadership with a vision
Biopolicy can do more than ensure a climate-resilient and sustainable economic future. It can help to reverse the multiple crises that are placing our future in jeopardy: the economic crisis, the environmental crisis and, above all, the crisis in leadership.

Current global strategies and policies, albeit crucial for mitigation and adaptation, do not tell the full story about climate change or its solution. To be successful in mitigating climate change, we need to develop more just and ethical societies. The most crucial task is to save time by mobilizing leadership and resources. In order to reverse destructive trends, decision-makers need to conceive a wider policy framework and achieve inspirational leadership. The time is ripe to break away from systems and policies of the past, where divide-and-rule was considered a smart approach, and to get world leaders to unite and benefit from a common, bios promoting vision.

Cooperation among all sectors – the sciences, policy, diplomacy, literature and the arts – can help us to gain insight and catalyze change. The bio-assessment of technology, through a thesis, antithesis and synthesis of new values, is the vehicle through which biopolicy is committed to bringing about this change and becoming the lever to lift the spirit of the world.

The meta-capitalism challenge
In our unprecedented drive for economic power, we have forgotten the value of hope, cooperation and mutual understanding. The meta-capitalism challenge lies in inspiring the 1% of the population who hold 50% of the world’s wealth to make a voluntary commitment to invest in securing the continuity of bios on our planet. The opportunities are endless: renewable energy, ocean clean-up, life-supporting technologies, health, education, better living conditions for all. Enormous wealth, if used wisely, can speed up the needed action to save biodiversity, defend bios and enhance lives and livelihoods. This is the most profitable return on investment.

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