18th Eurasian Economic Summit – Istanbul, April 7-9, 2015

marmama group

B.I.O. President, Prof. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis, delivered a speech at the 18th Eurasian Economic Summit on April 7, 2015 in Istanbul, outlining the importance of Biopolicy as the means for new leadership focusing on the protection of the gift of life on our planet.

Click here for related article appearing in Turkey’s international newspaper, Hurriyet Daily News.
Direct link to Hurriyet Daily News

The summit was attended by a select group of top world leaders from 44 countries, such as the Presidents or former Presidents of the majority of the Balkan countries, the Vice-President of the Executive Board of Istanbul’s Chamber of Commerce, the General Manager of Turkish Airlines, the Deputy Secretary of Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Governor of Istanbul, the President of the Vienna Economic Forum, the Ecumenical Patriarch and other religious leaders, as well as eminent diplomats, politicians and academics. Summit participants discussed the economy – democracy relationship with a focus on energy and information technology, and also addressed international cooperation initiatives such as the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP) and the Silk Road Project. Read more