Sixth B.I.O. Conference – International Sakharov Festival


International Sakharov Festival

Biopolitics – The Bio-Environment – Bio-Culture in the Next Millennium

  Athens, July 1994

organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Photos, Proceedings, Resolutions 

 International Sakharov Festival Honorary Committee

Honourary President: Elena Bonner, Chairman Andrei Sakharov Foundation
President: Mstislav Rostropovitch, President International Sakharov Festival
Vice-Presidents: Prof. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis, President and Founder Biopolitics International Organisation
Vladimir Panchenko, President Cultural Organisation GOSCO
Musical Festival Coordinator:Theodoros Kritas
Members: H.E the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr. Valery Nikolayenko, H.E Ambassador Panayotis Economou, B.I.O. Advisor on International Relations, Professor Leonid Goldin, GOSCO Cultural Organisation, H.E. Ambassador George Georgiou Director of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This event was held in two parts

Academic Conference 
Gala Concert

In hopes of contributing to the search for bio-cultural values for the next millennium, the Biopolitics International Organisation accepted the invitation by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Cultural Organisation, GOSCO, to hold the International Sakharov Festival in Greece. It took place in Athens, July 28-31, 1994, with the theme Biopolitics – the Bio-Environment – Bio-Culture in the Next Millennium.
The honourary guest of the Festival was Elena Bonner, widow of the renowned Russian humanitarian, who established the Sakharov Foundation after his death to perpetuate his legacy and continue his work.
The International Sakharov Festival consisted of a Gala Concert and an Academic Programme (featured on p. 14-15 this issue) and promoted the concept of an international bio-cultureΣ where music, science, politics and the arts are all interrelated concepts in the struggle for a better quality of life.
The Gala Concert took place at the ancient theatre of Herod Atticus, at the foot of the Acropolis, with the participation of world famous soloists such as Cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, Soprano Hildegard Behrens, Violinist Leonidas Kavakos and Pianist Dimitris Sgouros. The soloists were accompanied by the Athens State Orchestra, conducted by Yuri Temirkanov. The Academic Programme included a symposium where prominent international figures in the fields of politics, diplomacy, science and education contributed their viewpoints and insight on the importance of incorporating the principle of environmental protection in all aspects of human endeavour.

The Sakharov Foundation

Shortly after Andrei Sakharov’s death in December 1989, Elena Bonner organised a Public Commission for the Preservation of Andrei Sakharov’s Legacy. This Public Commission has now been registered in Moscow as the Public Commission for the Preservation of Andrei Sakharov’s Legacy – Sakharov Foundation. It operates from premises on Moscow’s Garden Ring and is currently negotiating the acquisition of additional space for a Sakharov Museum in Moscow. The U.S. Andrei Sakharov Foundation was incorporated in Delaware in August 1990. Elena Bonner serves as a Chairperson of both the Moscow Commission and the U.S. Foundation, insuring that their educational, scientific and humanitarian activities are co-ordinated and advance the goals of Peace, Progress and Human Rights as expounded in A. Sakharov’s writings and exemplified by his life.

Academic Conference

Opening Ceremony
– His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch, Mr. Vartholomeos
– Elena Bonner, Honourary President, International Sakharov Festival
– Mstislav Rostropovich, President, International Sakharov Festival
– H.E. Foreign Minister Mr. Carolos Papoulias, Greece, Address delivered by H.E. Ambassador George Georgiou
– George Papandreou, Minister of National Education, Greece
– H.E. the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr. Valery Nikolayenko
– Professor Jiro Kondo, Director General, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, Japan
– Elisabeth A. Papazoi, Deputy Minister of Physical Planning, Environment and Public Works, Greece
– Professor Pavel J. Sarkisov, Rector, Mendeleyev University, Russia
– Professor Leonid Goldin, Cultural Organisation GOSCO, Russia


Sweden: The Presence and Essence of Bio-Diplomacy, H.E. Ambassador Kai Falkman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Turkey: Biopolitics as a Tool for Sustainable Solidarity, Professor Rusen Keles, Director of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University Greece: Bio-Diplomacy as a Dimension of Bio-Culture, H.E. Ambassador Panayotis Economou, Advisor on International and Public Relations, Biopolitics International Organisation, Greece
Egypt: New Pathways for International Co-operation, H.E. Ambassador Ahmed Nabil El Salawy, Ambassador of Egypt to Greece
Turkey: International Environmental Co-operation: Retrospect and Prospect Professor Ayse Gulgun Tuna, Department of International Relations, Bilkent University
Czech Republic: Toward the Revival of the European Soul: Post-Socialist Europeans -Neglected but not Negligible, H.E. Professor Jiri Marvan, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Greece


Japan: From Zero Defect, through Zero Inventory, to Zero Emissions, Dr. Gunter Pauli, Advisor to the Rector, United Nations University The Zero Emissions Research Institute
Greece: European Policy for the Environment, George E. Saridakis, f. Member of the European Parliament
Sri Lanka: Biopolitics: A New Approach to the Politics of Sustainable Development, Henry Karunaratne, Honourary President, United Nations Association
Russia:Environment and Life Support for National Minorities, Dr. Reguina A. Yavchunovskaya, Department of Social Ecology-National Relations, Academy of Creative Endeavours
Yugoslavia: Bio-Policy: A Quantitative Analysis of the Bio-Environment, Dr. Ivana S. Djujic, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade University
Turkey: Bio-Architecture as a Policy for Urban Planning, Professor Ali Ozbilen, Vice Dean, Department of Landscape Architecture, KTU Faculty of Forestry
Finland: The Second Industrial Revolution – A Summary, Dr. Eero Paloheimo, Member of Parliament
India: Forestry: Reconciling Poverty and Equity Concerns, Dr. Kamla Chowdhry, Chairperson, Centre for Science and Environment


Belgium: International and European Union Actions Against Climate Change, George Strongylis, Commission of the European Union, Direction DG XI
Russia: A Contribution to the Preservation and Better Understanding of the Environment, Yuri A. Korolev, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law
Slovak Republic: Diplomacy and International Law in the Service of Biopolitics, Professor Juraj Cuth, Professor of International Law
Greece: Human Rights and the Environment: A Common Future, Panayotis Karafotias, Officer in Charge, United Nations Information Centre

Regional Issues

Sudan: Co-operation for Survival, Professor Faysal Tageldim Abushama, Director, National Centre for Research
Indonesia: Human Values: Modern Technology and Bio-Environmental Preservation, Professor S. Budhisantoso, Professorial Assistant, Ministry of the Environment
Russia: New Economic, Legislative and Biopolitical Approaches to Environmental Management in Northwest Russia,Professor Alexander I. Shishkin, St. Petersburg State Technological University for Plant Polymers
Romania: Environmental Protection and Scientific Research in Romania, Dr. Mariana Constantinescu, Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection
Czech Republic: The Environmental Situation in Central and Eastern Europe: Priorities for Solution on Example of Czechoslovakia, Dr. Jaroslav Stoklasa, Environmental Advisor, Czech Academy of Sciences
Lithuania: Biopolitics Goals: Lithuania’s Obligations, Leonidas Kairiukstis, Director of State Scientific Project ECOSLIT, Lithuanian Forest Institute
Cambodia: The Environmental Situation in Cambodia, Dr. Ung Phyrun, Deputy Director General, State Secretariat for Environment

Water Issues

Germany: Marine Biology – Pollution and the Protection of Nature, Professor Wilfried Gunkel, f. Director, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
Turkey: The Conservation of Wetlands, Professor Meral Kence, Department of Biology, Middle East Technical University
Poland: Do We Need Protection Areas in the Baltic Sea? Professor Anna Szaniawska and Professor K.E. Skora, Institute of Oceanography, Gdansk University; The Baltic Sea Region As a Great Potential Area for Biopolitics. Dr. Eugeniusz Andrulewicz, Institute of Meteorology and Water management
Romania: Ecological Equilibria in Aquatic Environments, Dr. Gabriella Ivancea, Department of Aquatic Ecology, Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection; Reservoir Development and Exploitation for a Normal Trophic State, Dr. Emil Rus, Head, Hydraulic Department, Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Philippines: A Developing Region’s Investment in Natural Capital, Professor M. Dino Fortes, Marine Science Institute Israel: Enclosed Coastal Seas – A Case Study: The Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Professor Baruch Kimor, Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering


Greece: Bio-Energy Perspectives Versus Bio-Environmental Concerns, Professor Basil C. Papadias, Department of Electrical Engineering National Technical University of Athens
Russia: Bios and the Physics of Light, Professor Andrei Rubin, Head, Department of Biophysics, Moscow State University
Greece: Global Balances, Professor Vlassios Sotiropoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Bio-Technology and Agriculture

Belgium: Biotechnologies and Agriculture, Professor Frederic A. Lints, Catholic University of Louvain
Ethiopia: Biotechnology Strategy for African Food and Agriculture, Dr. Ali Haribou, Member of the Club of Rome, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Greece: Ecology and Agriculture, Professor Thomas Alifakiotis, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Israel: Efforts to Decrease Industrial Pollution and Improve Agricultural Practices in Israel, Professor J. Stefan Rokem, Department of Applied Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School


Turkey: Defining Bio-ethics, Professor Yaman Ors, Unit of Medical Ethics, Medical Faculty, Ankara University
Greece: Bio-Ethical Assessment of Biotechnology, Dr. Christos Yapijakis, Department of Neurology, University of Athens


Russia: Russia and Siberia; Health Problems in Environmentally Damaged Territories, Professor Sergei I. Kolesnikov, Co-President International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, President, East-Siberian Science Centre, Academy of Medical Science
United Kingdom: The Bio-Environment and Research on Health, Professor G.V.R. Born, William Harvey Research Institute Estonia: Environment, Co-operation and Children’s Health, Sirje Loot, Lawyer
Romania: Bio-meteorology and Quality of Life, Dr. Doina Popescu and Dr. Tudor Costin Popescu, National Institute for Hydrology and Meteorology
Hungary: An Extravagant Promise for the Generations to Come – Clean Fresh Air Over Central and Eastern Europe, George J. Kollmann, Chief Counsellor of the Ministry of Welfare, Member, Defence for Children International
Iran: The Rhythm of Bios, Dr. Hossein S. Mehraban, Shiraz University Psychology Department,
Russia: Biopolitics: New Technology and the Professional Healthy Man, Dr. Yuri I. Voronkov, Head, Department of Cosmonaut Selection, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Ministry of Health
Israel: Bio-Environmental Quality, Health and Peace, Professor Lev Fishelson, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University


Brazil: Shaping the Future: Education for a Global Responsibility, Dr Paulo C. Moura, President, Institute of Political and Social Studies
Philippines: Bio-Education for All: Goal to Achieve Environmentally Literate Global Citizens, Professor Liduvina R. Senora, Executive Secretary, United Nations Association Eulogio “Amang” , Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
Poland: How to Improve the Bio-Educational System, Professor Leszek Kuznicki, President, Polish Academy of Sciences; Democratisation and Bio-Education: Action for a Better Quality of Life, Professor Jan W. Dobrowolski, Polish Academy of Sciences
Sri Lanka: Curriculum Material for Biocentric Education and Development, Kumaran Fernando, Secretary-General, United Nations Association
France: The Bio-Environment in Primary Education, Dr. Georges Martin, Ingenieur I.A.N., Chevalier de l’ordre National du Merite
Russia: Problems of Biopolitics in Teaching Chemical Technology, Professor Pavel J. Sarkisov, Rector, Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology and Professor Michael N. Manakov, Director, Biotechnology Centre, Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology; Humanitarian Education in Russian Technical Universities, Dr. Lidia Masalkowa, Department of Human Sciences, Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology; Bio-Education and its Contribution to Bio-Culture in the Next Millennium, Professor Inna M. Parkhomenko, Associate Professor of Biophysics, Moscow State University; Bio-Education: an Avenue Toward the Sustainable Development of Nature and Society in the Third Millennium, Professor Sergey A. Ushakov and Dr. Lidia A. Ushakova, Moscow State University, Earth Science Museum, Moscow State University; Biopolitics and the Problems of Professional Education in Russia, Natalia Kuznetsova, Financial Director, International Academy of Entrepreneurship; Bio-Education: The Actualisation of Biocentric Values, Dr. Nadezhda Shulenina, Philosophy Department, Moscow Academy of Chemical Engineering
Belarus: Educational Challenges in the Post Chernobyl Years, Dr. Alexander M. Lutsko, Rector, International Sakharov College on Radioe
Lithuania: Bio-Environmental Education: The Lithuanian Experience, Dr. Vitalij Denisov and Dr. Sergej Olenin, Klaipeda University Israel: Biopolitics and Creative Thinking: The Search for Alternatives, Professor Edna Aphek, University of Jerusalem
Slovak Republic: Distance Learning for the Environment, Dr. Jan Morovic, President, City University Bratislava
Netherlands: Bio-Educational Reforms in Curricula, Albert Th. Ten Houten, Athmo, Wageningen
Yugoslavia: An Environmental Approach to the Educational Process, Dr. Gordana Brun, Advisor to the Minister of Environment
Czech Republic: Raising Environmental Awareness Through Education, Dr. Jan Cerovsky, Senior Scientist, Czech Institute for Nature Conservation
United Kingdom: Biopolitics, the Bio-Environment and Bio-Activism: Toward a Culture of Peace, Dr. Terence M. Duffy, Director of Peace Studies, University of Ulster, Magee College


Japan: How to Compete in the 21st Century? The Importance of an Ethical and Environmental Commitment from Corporations Dr. Gunter Pauli, Advisor to the Rector, United Nations University, The Zero Emissions Research Institute
USA: Building a Sustainable Future, Professor Nicholas Ashford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Exploring Links Between Business and the Environment for Sustainable Development, Dr. Julia Panourgia-Clones, Environmental Consultant, The World Bank; Resource Conservation and Utilisation – A Magnificent Opportunity, J. Patrick Nicholson, Chairman and CEO, N-Viro International Corporation
Greece: How to Escape from the Cycle of Environmental Education, Assimakis Fotilas, f. Head, Investments Promotion Centre, UNIDO; Environmental Leadership: A New Business and Marketing Era, Panos Vogas, Department of Business Research and Marketing, Athens University of Economics; Progress of Technology and the Future of Bios, Dr. Nikos Katsaros, Senior Research Scientist, Democritos National Research Centre Hungary: Systems Analysis of Bio-Economy: The Role of Entropy and Negentropy in Biopolitics, Dr. Laszlo Kapolyi, President, Systems International Foundation; The Role of Economics in the Process of Sustainable Development, Dr. Gyula Bora, Vice-Rector, Budapest University of Economic Sciences
Switzerland: The Bio-Environment – A Managerial Challenge, Dr. Peter Kalantzis, President, Lonza Ltd.


Croatia: Rationality and Cultural Capital in Improving International Understanding, Sanjin Dragojevic, Institute for Development and International Relations
India: Buddhism and Environmental Activism, Dr. Kamla Chowdhry, Chairperson, Centre for Science and Environment
Colombia: Biopolitics as a Renewed Expression of Classical Humanism, Professor Mario Calderon Rivera, Dean, School of Economics, Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Seniora del Rosario Universidad
Turkey: Inspiration From Nature and Culture for a Joint Attitude Towards the 21st Century, Professor Nur Sozen, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Ankara University; Global Environmental Change: a Vision for a Better World, Professor Hunay Evliya, Director, Centre for Environmental Research, Cukurova University
Philippines: Love Versus Greed: A Key to the Prolongation of Life, Dr. Gloria Castro-Gatchalian, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute
Czech Republic: Protecting Bios in the Next Millennium. What does this Mean? M. Lapka and Dr. V. Mejstrik, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Czech Academy of Sciences Russia: Itinerary for Future Social Technologies, Dr. Natalia Grigorieva, Social Policy-Social Development, Academy of Creative Endeavours
Greece: Aristotle and the Bio-Environment, Efstathia Valiantza, Environmental Engineering Consultant
United Kingdom: Faith and Bios, Rabbi Dr. Norman Solomon, Director, Centre for the Study of Judaism and Jewish/Christian Relations


United Kingdom: Literature, and the Arts as Internal Features of the Biopolitics Curriculum Dr. Richard Witt, Vice President, Society of Greek Scientists
Greece: A Flight of Fancy: Music in the Next Millennium, Professor John G. Papaioannou Advisor, Athens Centre of Ekistics

Gala Concert

R. Wagner (1813-1883)
*Overture Tannhauser
R. Wagner (1813-1883)
*Liebestod aria from Tristan and Isolde
*Immolation Scene from Gotterdammerung
Fr. Chopin (1810-1849)
*Adante spianato and Grande Polonaise Brillante for piano and orchestra in E-flat major, opus 22
C. Saint-Saens (1835-1921)
* Havanaise, opus 83
P.I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
*Waltz Scerzo
P.I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
*Rococo Variations
for violoncello and orchestra, opus 33
under the baton of YURI TEMIRKANOV