ISBN 978-960-7508-25-6
Bio-Education and the International University for the Bio-Environment
Building a Society of Hope
Introduction – Sri Lanka Today
Course 1. Health and the Environment
Environmental quality and health
Air pollution
Water pollution
Soil contamination
Food, agriculture and biotechnology
Noise pollution and radiation
Health and environment in Sri Lanka
Tsunami effects and the Galle district
Course 2. Environmental Dimensions in Agriculture, Forestry 109
and Food Production
Agriculture and the environment
Agricultural land use and soil quality
Water, irrigation and pollution
Forestry, agriculture and food security
Biotechnology – benefits and dangers
Organic agriculture and farming
Agriculture and forestry in Sri Lanka
Agricultural pollution in Sri Lanka
Crop varieties and rice cultivation
Tsunami impact on agriculture
Course 3. Environmental Quality, Equity and the Eradication of Poverty 176
Poverty and equity – an introduction
Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals
World population growth, hunger and food security
An overview of poverty and social equity in Sri Lanka
Aspects of poverty and the environment in Sri Lanka
Improving income and social equity
Fighting poverty in Sri Lanka the wake of the tsunami
Biopolitics International Organisation 234
B.I.O. Profile
B.I.O. Website
B.I.O.’s e-Learning Programme
B.I.O. Publication
International Support for B.I.O.
International Support for Bio-Education