Hellenic-French Cultural Symposium, Athens, October 1987
organised by H.E. the Ambassador of France, The Science Office of the French Embassy
and the Biopolitics International Organisation
Bios in the Next Millennium
Dimensions of Biopolitics
H.E. Ambassador Francois Marcel Plaisant, Embassy of France, Athens
Ethical and Social Dimensions of Biotechnology
Dr. Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, President and Founder, Biopolitics International Organisation
Agricultural Production and Bios in the Next Century
Dr. Guy Sergheraert, Adj. Director General, Centre de Valorisation des Glucides et Produits Naturels
New Technologies: Perspectives of Equilibrium of Bios in Arid Tropical Zones
Pierre Feillet, I.N.R.A. Director of Research
Bios – Instruments and Surveillance of Planet Earth
Georges Martin, Agronomist, Consultant on International Co-operation for Agriculture
Professor Hubert Curien, Minister of Research and Technology,
President of the Defense Scientific Council, President of the European Space Research Council