
ghana flag

Conferences, projects and special events held in cooperation with friends in Ghana

Extensive B.I.O. e-learning programmes in biopolicy and sustainable development


Mike Awua-Asamoa, Secretary General of UNA Ghana, and Bennard K. Kuma, Honorary President of the WFUNA Ghana, serve as Founding Members of the International University for the Bio-Environment.


Mike Awua-Asamoa, Deputy Secretary General of the WFUNA Regional Office in Ghana, and Bernard Kwami Kuma, Honorary President of the World Federation of United Nations Association in Ghana, participate in the Fourth B.I.O. International Conference on the “International University for the Bio­Environment” and contribute to the volume of proceedings.


The United Nations Association of Ghana enters into cooperation with B.I.O.


Mike Awua-Asamoa, Secretary General of UNA Ghana, and Bennard K. Kuma, Honorary President of the WFUNA Ghana, participate in the Second B.I.O. International Conference on “Bios in the Next Millennium” and contribute to the volume of proceedings.