44th Aurelio Peccei Lecture Participants

                                     Honorary Members & Official guests


1 H.R.H. Prince PHILIP of Belgium Honorary President, CoR-EU
2 PÖTTERING, Hans-Gert President of the European Parliament
3 RADEMACHER, Franz-Josef Professor, University of Ulm (D)
4 GEORIS, Raymond Managing Director, European Foundation Madariaga
5 JAUMOTTE, André Former rector ULB, Free University Brussels
6 BURGHARDT, Günter Former EU representative Washington. Former special advisor EC
7 DEREYMAEKER, Boudewijn Counsellor to H.R.H. Prince Philip
8 LUYCKX, Jacques Aviation Major, Aide de camp to Prince Philip
9 COLSMAN, Johann Friedrich Advisor to President Pöttering
10 HÄRTHE, Dieter President, Deutscher Wirtschaftverband e.V.
11 FREIMUTH, Frank Bundesgeschäftführunq, BWA


Members Brussels-EU Chapter CLUB of ROME


1 Arvanitis Vlavianos, Agni President, Biopolitics Int. Organisation
2 Broeckaert, Céline Secretary of the Board CoR-EU
3 De Brabander, Karel Retired. Flemish Environment Agency
4 De Bruyne, Roger University of Antwerp
5 De Cuyper, Erika Board member CoR-EU
6 de Schorlemer, Louis Gallup policy research
7 Descamps, Pol Board Member CoR-EU
8 de Selliers, Jacques Founder & Vice Chairman, GreenFacts
9 di Pietrantonio, Loris European Commission – ICT
10 Dubrulle, Mark Board member CoR-EU, President Europe of Cultures Forum, President Greenfacts
11 Johnston, Peter EC ICT, Vice President CoR-EU
12 Korpela, Sirpa IKEA
13 Leroy, Oswald KU Leuven
14 Liefooghe, Frank Artist
15 Rodriguez Casal, Carlos EC ICT. Board member CoR-EU
16 Rogelj, Melita Research consultant European Environmental Center
17 Schaubacher, Daniel Board member CoR, President EBBF, President People to People
18 Tesch, Tom System Analysis and Simulation
19 Van Acker, Peter Project manager OVAM
20 Van Oyen, Ludo Treasurer CoR-EU
21 Van Peteghem, Michiel Flemish Environment Agency
22 Weiler, Raoul President CoR-EU – Member Executive Committee Club of Rome




1 Bakane, Inga EC ICT
2 Bakker-Osinga, Alice President, Foundation Osinga-Ages (NL)
3 Bosse, Paul Seagull, Dordrecht (NL)
4 Braun, Vera EuroPart EWIV
5 Calenbuhr, Vera EC
6 Chastanet, Pierre EC
7 Cord, Matthias A. T. Kearney GmbH
8 De Bruyne, Ynske  
9 de Gerlache, Jacques Solvay, Health, Safety and Environment Corporate Communications
10 de Pont, Frederik Jade European Confederation Junior Enterprises
11 de Sutter, Rudy Pianist-composer-painter
12 Drèze, Jean-Roger Assistant Dir.-Gen. DG environment
13 Drui, David UNEP Liaison Office
14 Evers, Martine  
15 Franken, Heide Randstad Deutschland GmbH
16 Geβner, Monika BWA-Bayern
17 Härthe, Marliese  
18 Herlyn, Estelle Intern. Transactions Services GmbH
19 Herlyn, Folkert Herleyn Consulting
20 Hultin, Bjorn Managing Director Intercity Consulting
21 Majuntke, Eva Deputy Head ARD Liaison Office
22 Morales, Patricia Earth Charter, Unesco-IWE, Terra Curanda
23 Muller-Borges, Tanya Jade
24 Naughton, Tracey Chair, WSIS Civil Society Media Caucus
25 Nowotny, Hartmut BWA-Baden-Württemberg
26 Peeters, J. Alfons ETEX Group
27 Picard, Joël PDG, Groupe AUREA (F)
28 Rademaker, Paul President, ERASMUS LIGA (NL)
29 Rademaker, Elsa  
30 Richter, Michael Pharmazie Freiburg
31 Rivalain, Jean-Francois European Movement
32 Rutazibwa, Olivia Project cooperator Vredescentrum
33 Saliez, Etienne Medical Informatics Consultant
34 Sälzer, Gerhard TeraGate AG
35 Schmitz, Stefan  
36 Shearns, Jean Director’s assistant WWF
37 Siekhaus, Daniel ARD, trainee
38 Sukup,Victor EC
39 Tonko, Martin Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität
40 Turk, Ana Maria President, Association Argentinean Residents
41 Van Alphen, Jan Ethnographic Museum Antwerp
42 Van den Eeden, Guido Mondo
43 Van Gool, August Professor Em. K.U.L.
44 Vanhauter, Véronique  
45 Van Landuyt, Lena  
46 van Rooijen, Jaap  
47 van Well, Alois Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Dresdner Bank AG
48 Victoria Diez, Maria Sevilla University
49 von Staden, Sven von Staden & Partner
50 Zurita, Alejandro EC, EG Research
51 Zwirner, Oliver EC