Conference Programme
Venue: Ionian University (New Building, Ioannou Theotoki 72)
First day Friday 27 June 2008
17.00-18.00 Registration-Coffee
18.00-20.00 Official Opening Session
15’ Welcome and Setting the scene
Dr. Vasileios Laopodis, Forum President
Co-chair of the Organising Committee
Musical performance - Ionian University Traditional Music Orchestra
  Addresses from co-organisers and local authorities
  • Mr George Kasimatis, Director of EP office for Greece, Co-chair of the Organising Committee
  • Ms Natasa GORSEK MENCIN, Director of EP office for Slovenia
  • Mr Massimo Palumbo, Representative of EP office for Italy
  Mr Sotiris Mikalef, Mayor of Corfu
  Ms Rodi Tsagaropoulou - Kratsa, Vice President European Parliament (message)
  Keynote speaker
  Ms Katerina Batzeli,MEP, Chair of European Parliament Culture Committee
The role of European Parliament in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue: Challenges and Perspectives
  Ms. Jelka Pirkovic, Vice-minister for Culture of Slovenia, EU presidency
  Opening Poster Session (whole duration of conference)
Walk to Amphitheatre II
Artistic event
Mandolinata “G.Miaris” of Perivoli & Traditional Singers, Municipality of Korissia
20.30 – 22.00
Cocktail Reception
Second Day
Saturday 28 June 2008

Plenary Session: Intercultural Dialogue in a changing European landscape

Chair: Mr Massimo Palumbo, Representative of EP Office for Italy

Addresses from invited personalities

Mr. Stefanos Poulimenos, Prefect of Corfu

Prof. Th. Pappas, Representative of Ionian University (GR)

Representative of the Sec. General of Ionian Islands Region

Representative of Chamber of Kerkyra

Ms. Ljudmila Novak, Slovenian MEP

Mrs. Maria-Ekaterini Papachristopoulou-Tzitzikosta

President of the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO (GR)

Ms Zoi Kazatzaki, Director International Organisations, Hellenic Ministry of Culture (GR)

Short Coffee Break – Panel setting
10.30-11.30 Panel Discussion I
5X8’=40’ Intercultural Dialogue in the Knowledge Society Age
20’ Discussion

Moderator / Rapporteur

Mr. Alberto D'Alessandro project "MOSAICO" coordinator, (IT)
Panelists Mr. Mark Dubrulle, President “Europe of Cultures Forum” (BE)

Professor Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis

President and Founder of the Biopolitics International Organisation and of the Hellenic Chapter of the Club of Rome (GR)

Mr. George Voutos, YOUCI NGO, Forum’s Zakynthos Cultural Antenna Coordinator (GR)

Mr. Marko Peljhan, Ambassador of Intercultural dialogue, Theatre Director, MacroLab director (SI)

Dr. Ibrahim Spahic, International Festival Sarajevo (BH)

11.30-12.30 Panel Discussion II
7X7’=49’ Cultural Cooperation Networks: the way forward
15’ Discussion
Moderator/ Rapporteur Dr. Nuhad Abdallah, Professor of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tishreen University – Academic Unit for Scientific Researches (SR)
Panelists Prof. Renato Novelli, PolyTechnic University of Marche
Representative, UniADRION-Adriatic-Ionian Universities Forum, (IT)

Mr. Vladimir Dobrev, Project coordinator of Multi Max Trading Ltd.Co., Forum's Plovdiv Cultural Antenna (BG)

Ms Photini Papahatzi, Forum’s Cultural Antenna of Preveza Coordinator (GR)

Ms Daniela Jelincic, Project Manager, CultureLink (HR)

Mr. Claudio Bocci, Coordinator of the Ravellolab initiative (IT)
Guided Walking tour of Old Corfu city, Unesco monument

Part I

13.30-14.30 Lunch at Corfu Esplanade
14.30-15.15 Guided Walking Tour of Old Corfu city - Part II

Return to the University Conference Centre

15.30-17.00 Parallel Workshops
Workshop 1: Cultural Cooperation in EU and its neighborhood
8 x 8 = 48  
30’ discussion
Moderator / Rapporteur
Ms Chrissa Geraga, Patras Municipal Enterprise for Planning & Development - ADEP S.A.
Head of Programmes & International Networking Dpt.
Mr. Guido Agnello, President of the Association "Palazzo Intelligente of Palermo”, project "Oramare Networking Mediterranean Cultures", (IT) & Nicos Drakonakis (Scientific Coordinator of TECHNET- CEO S.A)

Dr. Gabriele Di Marcantonio, Joint Technical Secretariat of the New Adriatic Neighborhood Programme INTERREG-CARDS /PHARE (IT)

Mr Erion Biro, Representative of the Mayor of Saranda (AL)

Representative of Adriatic-Ionian Cities and Towns Forum (IT)

Ms Lila Skarveli, Sec. General «Chambre des Beaux Arts de Mediterranée », Forum Vice-President (FR),

Prof. Igor Koršic, Professor of film theory and history, University of Ljubljana (SI)

Mr. Edouard de Laubrie, in charge of research and collection, Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Mediterranee (MuCEM - RMN) (FR)
Workshop 2: Cultural heritage and Tourism
8 x 8 = 48
30’ discussion

Ms. Faye Poulimenou, International Affairs Specialist, EU projects coordinator


Ms Eleni Dassios, President of DEPAP-Patras Cultural Development Municipal Enterprise (GR)

Mr. Haris Kalpidis, Tourism Policy & Coordination Directorate, Ministry of Tourism Development (GR)

Representative of Adriatic-Ionian Chambers Forum

Mr. Nikos Papavlassopoulos, Corfu Section/Technical Chamber of Greece (GR)

Dr Horst Soboll, Representative of InGentibus NGO (IT/D)

Mr. Nick Dimitriadis, STRATIS, Advisor to the “OliveTree Routes” organisation, (GR)

Mr. Alberto La Monica, ?uropean Film Festival in Lecce (Puglia), (IT)

Dr. Kostas Tsoumanis, Dr of Tourism Economy (GR)


Closing session

Chair: Ms Natasa GORSEK MENCIN

Director of EP Office for Slovenia


Awards ceremony

to best poster / paper

Reports from parallel workshops

Moderators / Rapporteurs

18.00 – 18.30
Dr. Vasileios Laopodis, Forum’s President

Co-chair Organising Committee

Signature of final document of “The Corfu Intercultural Dialogue Declaration”
18.30 Close of the conference

1st Forum's Cultural Antennas Coordinators Meeting & Working dinner - upon invitation